How often to water basil plants?
Basil thrives in a warm and moist environment.
We recommend to water basil frequently enough to keep the soil moist at all times.
However, ensure you do not overwater. Avoid making the soil boggy, muddy or making it seem like the basil is standing in the water.
Generally, water basil plants at least once every 3 days. This is not a one size fits all kind of answer. There are numerous factors to consider to get the frequency of watering just right.
Read on to find out or find the section you are after in the contents.
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How often should you water basil infographic summary

About Basil
Ocimum basilicum
There are many varieties or cultivars of basil available. They mostly belong to the Ocimum basilicum species or are very closely related.
Some of the popular basil varieties include:
- Sweet Basil or Genovese Basil (Ocimum basilicum):
Classic and generally most popular type. Sweet taste. Genovese cultivars often have a stronger aromatic flavour. Often used in salads, pasta sauces and Italian dishes. - Thai Basil (Ocimum basilicum thyrsifolium):
more of a minty flavour. Used in many Asian dishes. - Lemon Basil (cross between O. basilicum and O. americanum):
lemon/ pine flavour. Often used in Indonesian, Filipino, Thai, Arabic and Persian cuisine. - Purple Basil (O. basilicum Purpurescens):
Purple variety less sweet than some of its basil counterparts. - Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum):
More fragrant with a more spicy flavour. Used in Indian and Asian cuisine.
Why we love it:
Tasty, nutritious, easy to grow. A single basil plant can also provide flavour to quite a few of your dishes.
30 centimetres to 1 metre but will vary a lot on the specific type
Native to:
Central Africa, South East Asia, India
The name of basil originates from the Latin word basilius and Greek word basilikon phyton meaning the royal plant.
There is nothing quite like the look, taste and scent of basil.
It is used for cooking in many corners of the world.
Basil is considered relatively easy to grow plant is becoming very popular in 2021! Give it a go.

Now that we know a little about it, let’s jump into some specifics about how often to water basil.
How often should I water basil plants?
Basil plants love the sun and they also love to be watered!
When you water basil, make sure to water well. Soak the soil completely. They need a decent level of watering.
But keep in mind, basil is still sensitive to overwatering. Avoid making the soil boggy or muddy. If it looks like the basil is standing in water, you have likely overdone it.
It is a bit of a balancing act, you might say.
Basil needs a constant supply of water/ moisture for structural support in order to survive and not wilt. On the other hand, overwatering can lead to disease and rotting.
So take care.
But how often should I water specifically then?
On average, let’s say once every 3 days. But read below for more precise advice.
Factors to consider when thinking how often to water basil
- Climate
- Winter or summer
- Humidity
- Indoor or outdoor
- Variety or cultivar of basil – talk to your local expert
- Whether it is in garden soil or in a pot or container
- Stage of growth
- Type of soil
- Size of container or pot
Frequency of watering basil in different situations
As we were discussing above, watering every 3 days is a good starting point.
If you are in a hot dry climate or in summer – water more frequently, once every 2 days or even daily if very hot. Check the soil remains moist. In hot environments during summer, straw mulch can be used to seal in moisture and decrease evaporative loss.
If you are in a more cold climate or in winter – water less frequently, once or twice weekly will often suffice. Keep an eye on the soil.
Seedlings – water more frequently but use less water than for adult basil plants. A spray or mister will do the job.
If in pots or containers – water a little more frequently than if in garden soil especially if there is some rainfall.
Outdoor vs indoor – you can probably add a day in between watering for indoor basil. Check the soil as described below.
If you are ever confused as to whether you should water basil – check the surrounding soil (about a centimetre or two down) for moisture. In the case it is dry or only slightly moist, it is time to water. If moist or even wet/soggy, hold off!
Watering in the morning is generally recommended.
Use well draining, rich soil and a well sized pot or container. Avoid drip trays or trays underneath in general.
Basil loves the sun so place in a sunny position.
Check the soil frequently to see if it is time to water. Take care not to overwater as discussed above.
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Let me know in the comments below.
Or send a pic of your basil!
1. Basil, Wikipedia website, accessed April 2021, link here
2. Gardening Through the Year in Australia, DK, Ian Spence, 2002
3. Basil Plant Profile, ABC Gardening, accessed March 2021, link here
This text on how often to water basil plants is made for general garden information only and not as advice in any way. We hope you find the basil plant gardening advice useful but note we do not accept any responsibility for any mistakes, inconsistency or liability arising from the use of the information here, even if deemed inaccurate. Please see the terms of use of the How Often Should website. Always check with your local nursery or basil expert for specific advice.