
HowOftenShould.com is an independent, non biased platform which aims to combine evidence based, diverse, educational, useful and fun answers to questions about “how often you should” do just about anything.

We try to gather the most accurate and useful facts available to give the readers the best possible information in response to their question. In addition to research, where possible, we will consult with or get experts in their respective fields. 

So whichever “How Often” question you have, be it about your pet, garden, health or others, we have you covered. Also, to make it easier, we have a search function to find your question more easily.

HowOftenShould.com is in no way intended to be a replacement, even partial, for expert or professional advice that we advise you to seek. HowOftenShould.com will not be liable in any way to any adverse event, any injury or any damages resulting from anything contained on the website. Before using the website, ensure you have read and agree to our Terms of Use