How Often Should you Exfoliate your Face?
When it comes to exfoliation on your face, doing it less often is generally the way to go. So if you ask us how often you should exfoliate, our answer is no more than two or three times per week, if that. Let’s look into exfoliation more closely. |
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What is exfoliation?
Exfoliation, in skin care terms, is using one of a variety of methods to remove old dead skin cells on the skin’s outermost surface.
This helps to improve the appearance and sometimes health of the skin. Your body will generally do the job on its own, shedding dead skin cells following about a monthly cycle.
The idea behind exfoliation is that the dead cells may no shed completely.
In this article we are specifically discussing how often we should exfoliate the skin on our face but obviously exfoliation can be done on other parts of the body including arms, back and legs/feet.
What are the different kinds of exfoliation and what to they involve?
Types of exfoliation
In addition to the body’s natural way of shedding old skin cells, exfoliation can achieved by either chemical or mechanical ways.
Mechanical exfoliation
What this refers is to physically or mechanically scrubbing the skin. This can be done by using with a wash containing abrasive products, for example a facial scrub containing micro beads, crushed almond or kernel shells or salt crystals. Alternatively, we can also use an abrasive surface, examples including an exfoliating cloth or adhesive sheet, sponge or loofah.
Another type of mechanical exfoliation is dermabrasion.
Chemical exfoliation
Chemical exfoliation means the topical application or washes/scrubs that contain a substance, generally a skin safe and specific acid. The acid works to dissolve and assist the shedding of old skin cells and unblocking the pores.
Incidental exfoliation often with hair removal
Waxing, shaving and hair removal products often have an unrelated but exfoliating effect. Keep that in mind when considering how often to exfoliate.
Now we know what is involved in exfoliation and the types of exfoliants. Next, let’s get into some specifics about their use and benefits as well as risks.
Is exfoliation absolutely needed?
No, the body does it naturally and it is often not even needed.
It is probably fair to say we are exfoliating our skin too much on average and that this is one of the most common skin care errors made in general.
Advantages and disadvantages of exfoliation
Over the past couple of decades, numerous popular media outlets, magazines as well as celebrities and social media influencers have marketed exfoliants to be effective and safe treatments. They are promoted to help get healthy skin, limit breakouts, maintain youthful looks and health.
While in some cases this certainly holds true and can assist in any good overall skin care regimen, their popularity is probably overstated.
Using high quality gentle scrubs will no doubt assist the natural process of removing old skin, unclogging pores and allowing gentle, lean skin to shine again.
There are some downsides though, especially if we overdo the exfoliation. By doing so, otherwise healthy skin gets irritated, dry and rough resulting in inflammation.
Dermatologists often advise that exfoliating too much is one of the major reasons for skin breakouts and acne. Another downside of exfoliation is the often high prices involved for the limited extra benefits.
Be cautious of using washes with micro-bead particles as the beads are often too tiny to be caught by sewage filters and often end up being released into the marine environment. This risks damaging your local ecosystem.
If you are planning to use a wash with abrasive particles to exfoliate, we suggest using a natural based biodegradable product such as crushed kernels or sugar crystals.
So how often should I exfoliate my face?
Bottom line, two or three times per week will do the job.
It will strike a good balance between the benefits of exfoliation but also limit the risks of causing dryness and inflammation.
Keep in mind, this is pretty general advice and will depend on your specific type of skin.
Ask your family doctor or dermatologist for more specific advice regarding how often to exfoliate. They can also help you to make a good skin care regimen.
Facial skin care tips
Be gentle with your skin Dermatologists recommend using a basic sensitive skin wash without too many chemicals and perfumes/additives from a trusted brand and store. Ensure it will not clog skin pores. This does not mean it needs to be expensive. Get the frequency right Protect from sun damage Keep healthy Seek help if you are getting skin problems |
How Often Should you Exfoliate your Face?
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The text written in this skin care article is meant for general purposes only. It is not to be used in any way as medical advice, recommendation or endorsement of any product. Refer to your doctor or dermatologist for all skin care advice. Ensure you agree with the terms of use of this website.