How often should you change your pet’s water?
Having enough clean, drinking water is essential for your pet.
Pet owners should ensure they have an adequate water supply at all times from a clean container.
Changing the water at least once or twice per day (and in some instances more often) is essential.
Read on to find out more or click on the sections in the table of contents.
Importance of hydration for your pet
Pets need an adequate supply of clean and safe to drink water at all times.
As you can imagine, hydration is crucial. A good way to think about it is that water is perhaps the most important nutrient for your pet. And it is also one of the most neglected.
Like you and me, pets are made up of mostly water. Each part of their body, down to the cellular level, needs water to survive, live, grow, stay healthy and thrive.
Being without water even for just a short period of time can quickly lead to dehydration.
And what is even worse, dehydration can progress quickly to cause damage to internal organs including the kidneys, liver, brain and even lead to death.
So we have to take care to ensure that pets have enough clean water to drink.
Expert vet tip Appropriate water intake is critically important for your pet’s health, growth and happiness so don’t neglect it.

How much water should my pet have?
In the majority of cases, you don’t have to closely monitor your pet’s water intake but do keep a bit of an eye on it.
Pets, especially dogs and cats, can be a bit “hit and miss” with drinking water but most will drink enough water themselves.
Just how much water your pet drinks have will depend many factors including:
- pet and breed (for example, some dog breeds need more water than others)
- the type of diet they are on – for example, wet vs dry diet
- age
- any medical conditions including illness or infection
- medications
- the environment – temperature, sun, season and humidity
If you find your pet is not drinking enough or drinking too much, and especially if you notice a considerable change in thirst or hydration, these can be a signal of a health concern so ensure you seek help.
For specific water requirements in your pet, we recommend speaking to your veterinarian.
When is it time to change your pet’s water?
We recommend a constant supply of clean drinking water being available at all times for your pet.
Change the water at least once daily, but we recommend even changing it twice daily under normal circumstances.
In addition, inspect the water container/ bowl or fountain every few hours/when you get a chance to check it hasn’t spilled or gotten dirty.
This ensures adequate supply, that the water is fresh and that it is likely to taste alright.
You may need to change the water more often in the case of:
- Warmer weather – sunny days over summer
- More than one pet at home
- Getting more exercise or playing on the day
- The bowl spills while playing
- Dirt or bugs get in – it is so important to keep the bowl or container
Useful tip In order to make it easier to remember as well as monitor your pet’s water intake, aim to change and refresh the water bowl at the same time(s) every day and to the same level. Keep an eye on how much water is left each time. If you are worried about them drinking too much or too little water, make an appointment with your local vet to discuss further.

How often should you change your dog’s water?
The advice above, replacing your dog’s water at least once or twice daily, holds up well.
Take special care with your dog friends, as they can often spill their containers and so their water bowls may need replacing more often.
How often should you change your cat’s water?
Same recommendation applies, change your cat’s water at least once daily.
Interestingly, some cats (including my spoilt elderly Bengal) seem to be very picky when it comes to water taste and will pick up on even the smallest changes.
You could say they have a bit of an acquired taste or palate. If your cat is picky, try increasing the frequency of changing water, ensuring temperature is not too hot or cold, changing the shape and size of the water bowl and ensuring the water is very clean. A running water supply can help as well.
I admit to even filtering water for my cat (but don’t tell anyone)!
Always talk to your vet if you have any concerns regarding your pet water intake or if they show any signs of illness.
How often do you change your pet’s water?
Have I missed something you find useful or helps you to remember to fill up the bowl?
Please let me know below in the comments.
In addition to regularly changing your pet’s water, ensure their container is also always kept clean. Read our article on how often to wash your pet’s bowls.
1. Pet’s WebMD, accessed February 2021, link here
2. Cat’s Protection Featured Pages, accessed March 2021, available here
3. Polydipsia in your dog and cat, accessed March 2021, available here
The text written here on how often to change your pet’s water supply is meant for general information only. It is not to be used in any way or in place of specific veterinary advice. Refer to your pet’s vet for recommendations and advice. Each species and region may have differing advice so ensure you talk to the experts. This is especially important if they have are showing signs of being unwell. Ensure you agree with the terms of prior to use.