How often is biennial?

How Often > Meanings > How often is biennial?


Biennial simply refers to something (for example, an event) occurring every second year or something lasting or having the life span of two years.


Originating from the Latin word biennis, it started being used in the 17th century.

So now that we know how often biennial is, let’s use the word in some examples.

Example 1:
John’s has biennial school games – this means that his school games come about every 2 years or every second year.
Example 2:
Parsley is a biennial plant – this means that it takes 2 years for it to complete the biological life cycle


Keep in mind that biennial should not be confused with the word biannual, which has a different meaning entirely even though it sounds and looks similar.


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  1. Oxford Dictionary, accessed April 2021, link here
  2. Parsley, Wikipedia, accessed April 2021, link available here


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